Mildly Manic Musings

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Save Our Boobs!

I recently heard (from a reliable source) that "doctors" are seriously considering removing the breasts of all women over 30, as a preventive measure against breast cancer, regardless of whether or not they are at risk.

The ramifications of this are endless. I can already envisage the headlines: "Mature woman arrested for being in possession of illegal tits!".

These doctors should be castrated, in my humble female opinion. (I'm assuming they're male as I cannot imagine any self-respecting woman would agree to this).

Why not save a lot of time, bother, and money by doing as the Greeks did and leaving new born girls out on mountaintops to freeze, starve or be eaten to death by vultures? It took a few thousand years for their prescience and forethought to pay off. Just look at the current economic situation in Greece.

Phew ... got that off my "chest". Now I'm going to set-to and start designing knitted falsies in the hope of selling enough of them to finance my future hideout. "My bazooms are my weapons" ... and I refuse to allow anyone to disarm me!

Look out for those headlines.